Don’t Replace…Repair!
Why Repair?
Because Sustainability Counts.
There are many reasons to choose window restoration, but simply put, here are three.
Chances are your windows have done their job for fifty or more years already. Sure, they may be a little creaky and may not be as attractive as they once were, but it’s a far better investment to repair a proven performer than to sink money into a new window that only has a 20 year warranty at best. With proper maintenance your antique windows will last for generations to come. Heck, even without maintenance they may last that long!
Replacement windows are touted as a way to save energy. But when evaluated from the perspective of the entire production, shipping, installation and removal process, replacing windows consumes a whole lot of energy, or viewed the other way, an older building has a great deal of embodied energy. If the total energy expenditure to manufacture replacement windows is considered, then the break even period stretches to 40 - 60 years. Sadly, replacement windows often fail long before that break even point is reached, whereas historic windows can last for generations. Restoration work can create up to 10 lbs of waste, but replacing windows generates around 50 lbs. of waste. Repairs and restoration work are done by local craftspeople paying local taxes. They use a minimum of materials and resources and a maximum of labor. Restoring windows is the best use of your embodied energy and the best way to support the local economy.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is becoming one of the greatest concerns in the building industry. Not only does the production of it create an environmental nightmare, but the gases it emits over time are becoming a concern. In the event of a house fire, burning PVC releases toxic amounts of dioxin. In addition, Lead is used as a stabilizer in the manufacture of PVC. If you are concerned about our planet’s health, and your own carbon footprint, you should read up on efforts to reduce the use of vinyl.